Sunday, April 22, 2012

10 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Here are 10 simple ways to make your life a little greeer and make Mother Nature smile.

1. Grow a Garden

Even if it's just herbs on a windowsill, planting your own garden is good for so many reasons.

2. Reduce

Minimize your impact on landfills and create wonderful soil for your garden by starting a compost pile.

3. Reuse

Sure, you bring your bags, but what about zip loc and produce bags? Robert takes his snacks to work in a reusable (and fashionable) snack bag. And I'm always asked about these bags at the grocery store.

4. Upcycle

Remember that reduce and reuse come before recycle. And while keeping stuff from the landfill is good, keeping stuff from the recycling plant by using it again is good too!

5. Eat Vegetarian

It's good for you, it's good for the animals, and it's good for Mother Nature.

6. Buy Organic Produce

The fewer chemicals going into the ground, the better for all of us!

7. Dr Bronners

This stuff is magic - I wash my hair with it and use it as a natural pest repellant in the garden. It's mostly organic and simply made of natural oils.

8. Make it yourself
From bath bombs to conditioner when you make it yourself you save packaging and $$$! Oh, and if you're making cupcakes, be sure to revisit #3 and try out reusable cupcake liners!

9. Don't just eat Organic
Use organic bed sheets and deodorant - what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in your body.

10. Keep indoor plants
All plants help to filter the air, some more than others. And my bamboo palm is much more stylish than those air filters you have to plug in!

Well, that's it. 10 easy things you can do to make your world a little greener.

Which of these are you already doing?

Do you have any good ideas to share? Let me know about 'em!

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